Services in COVID-19 Emergency
March 25, 2024
From Jeron Ravin, JD
Swope Health President and CEO
These days are unlike anything we have ever seen, and we want you to know Swope Health is doing all we can to serve you. We are taking action to limit the potential spread of the Coronavirus, which we know is circulating in our community. We are working to provide you essential services, while minimizing the risks of spreading the virus.
Here are the major changes we are making for your safety and continued care:
- Telehealth appointments now available: We are rescheduling in-person routine visits, but we still welcome the chance to talk with you. We are scheduling phone or video appointments across most services – pediatrics, Ob/Gyn, Behavioral Health, psychiatry, adult health and chronic disease check-ins, even reviews for medication refills. It works for many health issues, but not all. Call us at 816-923-5800 and ask to schedule a phone visit with your provider.
- Answering questions: When you call us to schedule an appointment, we’re going to ask you some basic questions about symptoms (fever, coughing, shortness of breath). Any patient with symptoms will be directed to talk with a nurse for guidance. If you have symptoms, please call before coming in.
- Dental clinics are open for pain and urgent needs: Our dental facilities at Central, Wyandotte and Independence will care for you, but routine -exams are being rescheduled for your safety. Call us to schedule: 816-923-5800.
- We’re supporting city, state and federal COVID-19 guidelines: We are limiting our in-person services to help prevent spreading the infection. We have increased cleaning at all facilities, and you’ll find disinfectant wipes and hand sanitizer when you enter. Most of our administrative team members are working from home, and those on-site are practicing the six-foot spatial or physical distancing and encouraging our patients to do so. No visitors are allowed, except parents or guardians of patients.
- Some services have been temporarily halted as a precaution against spreading infection: Transportation services are available only for those with scheduled appointments. Our day programs are temporarily suspended, as are group counseling programs. If you need something, please call us: 816-923-5800. We’re figuring out ways to keep as many services going as possible, including working with partners and other community service agencies.
In our 50 years, we’ve always been in the community, for the community. We are here today to help you through these extraordinary circumstances. We’re with you.